From Informed Decisions : Conversations and Q&A with Randall Craig and Ronja Francoeur.

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Expert, Expertise, Thought Leader

About this episode: 

As a leader, you are likely already an expert, and surely have expertise. But what about “Thought Leadership”? Being a “thought leader” is a separate differentiator altogether – and in today’s world, more strategic than ever.

In this episode, Randall Craig – who is often referred to as a thought leader – will share ideas on how to get there, and how thought leadership can be used to differentiate and advance your business.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Questions Asked

•  How did thought leadership become such a focus for you? (1:49)

•  With all the opportunities, what would be the next on that trajectory? (7:51)

•  When does a content creator become a thought leader? (10:54)

•  Where is the positive contribution to society test as a thought leader? (17:54)

•  Is the idea of longevity in the industry not as relevant anymore? (20:48)

•  Have you considered updating or adding a caveat to your academic test or regarding the experience test? (26:17)

•  What are economic test and activity test?(0:56)

•  Does having a big personality help you stand out or is quality content enough? (7:07)

•  Do you need to develop that thought leadership persona? (13:46)

•  How do you separate your personal experiences from your content? (18:46)

•  What are your thoughts on conducting case studies? (23:09)

•  Without real data to compare what their peers are doing, how do we properly assess the tests? (27:25)

•  If the goal becomes a schedule, doesn't that risk diluting the quality of the content if the goal is not just to share the eureka moments? (0:41)

•  How much patience is required before they start seeing ROI? (5:15)

•  Why do we not see more thought leadership credentials out there? (11:22)

•  Do we have to create the association of thought leaders? (15:31)

•  Why would you go out of your way to not call yourself a thought leader? (21:19)

•  What's the difference of a thought leader vs trusted advisor? (27:27)

Curious? Questions? Interested in exploring the possibilities?